All port locations
- Askaig
- Belfast
- Birkenhead
- Cairnryan
- Dover
- Felixstowe
- Fishbourne
- Fishguard
- Folkestone
- Harwich
- Heysham
- Holyhead
- Hull
- Immingham
- Ipswich
- Kennacraig
- Killingholme
- Larne
- Liverpool
- Newcastle
- Newhaven
- Pembroke
- Plymouth
- Poole
- Portsmouth
- Purfleet
- Swansea
- Teesport
- Tilbury
- Warrenpoint
- Cork
- Dublin
- Rosslare
Rest of Europe
- Amsterdam
- Bardonecchia
- Bilbao
- Boulogne
- Brevik
- Caen
- Calais
- Chamonix
- Cherbourg
- Copenhagen
- Courmayeur
- Cuxhaven
- Dieppe
- Dunkerque
- Esbjerg
- Frederikshavn
- Freiburg
- Gedser
- Gijon
- Gothenburg
- Grenaa
- Helsingborg
- Helsingor
- Hirtshals
- Hoek of Holland
- Ijmuiden
- Kiel
- Le Havre
- Liepaja
- Malmo
- Messina
- Modane
- Novara
- Nynashamn
- Puttgarden
- Rodby
- Roscoff
- Rostock
- Rotterdam Europort
- Santander
- St Malo
- St Nazaire
- Stavanger
- Travemunde
- Trelleborg
- Varberg
- Ventspils
- Villa San Giovanni
- Zeebrugge